How to know and optimize the ranking of Google Ads?

Doing Google SEO can be simply understood as doing Google rankings. A higher ranking means more clicks, more inquiries, and more money.

Similarly, in Google Ads, ad ranking will also affect the number of clicks and inquiries you get. With an appropriate budget and input-output ratio, of course, we want to rank our ads as high as possible. So, how do you know how your ad is ranking?

Before October this year: In the keyword column, select the data indicator of average position, and you can see the average position of each keyword (the average position of the ad when users search for this word).

Is it simple and intuitive,right?


Google removed this metric at the end of September.

Why: Other metrics can give you a clearer picture of where your ad appears on search results pages.
I’m a little pissed, really. What metric could be simpler than you tell me directly?
When I think about it again, Google abandoned before, which made it impossible for advertisers to quickly exclude all mobile apps when placing display ads, and spent a lot of money.
These changes have undoubtedly added difficulties to our advertising operators. The method is always more difficult than the difficulty!
We can still use some of the existing data metrics to gain insight into how our ads are ranking.
(Top) %: Search top impression rate, the top impression rate of the search network, that is, the percentage of ads displayed above the organic search results (anywhere). Calculated as: Ads above organic search results / Total impressions
(Abs. Top) %: Search absolute top impression rate, the absolute top impression rate of the search network, which refers to the percentage of times that an ad is displayed as a headline ad above the natural search results. Calculated as: Number of times an ad is in the first ad slot above organic search results / Total impressions

How to analyze these two data indicators?

-If a keyword has a relatively high display rate at the top of the search network, it means that the ads triggered by this keyword are basically ranked above the organic search results, and should be ranked in the top four.
-If the absolute top-of-page display rate of a certain keyword in the search network is relatively high, it means that the advertisement triggered by this keyword is basically ranked in the headline advertisement position.
-If the Impr. (Abs. Top) % and Impr. (Top) % of a certain keyword are both relatively high, it means that the ads triggered by this keyword are basically ranked in the top two.
-If a keyword’s search network top page impression rate is relatively high, but the search network absolute top page display rate is relatively low, it means that there are more advertisements in the second, third, or fourth place, and rarely in the first place.

How to improve the data of the above two indicators? You can refer to the following indicators to identify problem points:

-Search lost absolute top impression share (budget): The percentage of absolute top impressions missed, that is, the percentage of ads that cannot be displayed in the first ad slot above the organic search results due to a low budget.
-Search lost top impression share (budget): The percentage of ads that were too low to appear anywhere above organic search results.
-Search lost absolute top impression share (rank): The percentage of ads that cannot be shown in the first ad position above the organic search results due to poor ad rank.
-Search lost top impression share (rank): The percentage of ads that were unable to appear anywhere above organic search results due to poor ad rank.
—— For the low data caused by the low budget, please increase the bid if the ROI is reasonable;

——For the low data caused by the low Ad Rank, please improve the Ad Rank: improve the relevance of the ad (keywords appear in the ad and landing page); improve the landing page experience (speed, ease of navigation, relevance) , copy quality); increase the expected click-through rate (enrich the slogan, add additional information, increase the appeal of the slogan), and so on.

人工付费咨询是一个非常公平的模式,原则上采取不成功不收费、没效果不收费!对于没有把握解决的问题/或很小的问题导致用户明显不会付费的因素,人工微信可能会采取静默(冷处理)的方式。 我们任何人去医院看医生,无论最后治疗不治疗/有没有治疗效果,都是需要付费挂号甚至是付费检查。有些甚至花钱治疗了都效果不明显,为了保证公平、公正的交易,这边没有把握的问题、事情,默认也可能不回复受理。 有些问题不能解决或规则锁死了,用户找我“付费咨询”的目的是帮助有效解决问题,因为受系统限制无法及时有效解决或无解,用户也肯定不会愿意付费给我,所以我也没有任何义务去解释这个问题/没有义务解释问题的原因所在及是否有解。我想等待用户撞了南墙死磕到底也会获得答案的。


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