How to keep the Google play developer account from being controlled by risk? Causes of Suspension of Payment by Google Business Account Risk Control

This is GogPlay Developer. Since 2020, the new Google system has been opened, and the risk control has been upgraded. After nearly two years of “careful polishing”, Google’s risk control rules are updated almost every few months, which makes many groups on the original track a little confused.

How to build products and how to monetize and operate them is basically not a deep secret in this industry, and the details are the key to success or failure.

For many individuals or teams, there is no big problem with monetization thinking and operation methods. Sometimes, due to some details, the account is suspended for no reason. (witnessed this)

Below we list some common Google play developers, admob/adsense account risk control suspension screenshots.

The picture language is Chinese

Google developer payment suspension, payment profile risk control

The picture language is Chinese

Google adsense/admob payment suspension, payment data risk control

The picture language is Chinese

Google developers, adsense, admob payment suspension, payment profile risk control

The picture language is Chinese

Google business account (play, adsense, admob) payment information risk control, add bank card error report

Google play, adsense/admob payment suspension, payment data risk control
All of the above are account risk control problems; some problems can be solved, and some may not;

Some people solve it successfully, and some people can’t solve it and give up. Let’s use paid reading to explore the details of these problems for you.

For paid reading content, please view the Chinese article, link:How to keep the Google play developer account from being controlled by risk? Causes of Suspension of Payment by Google Business Account Risk Control Google play 开发者账户怎样保持不被风控?导致谷歌商业账号风控暂停付款的原因

人工付费咨询是一个非常公平的模式,原则上采取不成功不收费、没效果不收费!对于没有把握解决的问题/或很小的问题导致用户明显不会付费的因素,人工微信可能会采取静默(冷处理)的方式。 我们任何人去医院看医生,无论最后治疗不治疗/有没有治疗效果,都是需要付费挂号甚至是付费检查。有些甚至花钱治疗了都效果不明显,为了保证公平、公正的交易,这边没有把握的问题、事情,默认也可能不回复受理。 有些问题不能解决或规则锁死了,用户找我“付费咨询”的目的是帮助有效解决问题,因为受系统限制无法及时有效解决或无解,用户也肯定不会愿意付费给我,所以我也没有任何义务去解释这个问题/没有义务解释问题的原因所在及是否有解。我想等待用户撞了南墙死磕到底也会获得答案的。


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