Google Play Store individual developer application release requirements, how to solve 14-person internal testing?

Google has released the latest personal account restriction policy in November 2023. For specific articles, please refer to the previous article “Interpretation of application testing and listing requirements for the new version of personal developer accounts in the Google Play Store”. This new policy restriction is a big trouble for both beginners and experienced people. This has also caused most old developers to switch to company accounts after the end of 2023, thus increasing the cost and threshold for developers.

Since some veteran developers need a large number of different accounts, in order to circumvent this threshold, they either register multiple different company qualifications themselves specifically to register company developer accounts/or spend 200-500 US dollars to purchase third-party finished company accounts. You must know that before this, the cost of a personal developer account was only 200rmb at most. For developers who need to use multiple different accounts, the cost and risk have increased in both directions.

For individual developers who have just entered this industry, how to correctly meet the 20-day 14-person internal test? I don’t have company qualifications or don’t want to use my company information to register as a Google Play developer. How to solve this problem correctly? What should you pay attention to when testing manually?

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人工付费咨询是一个非常公平的模式,原则上采取不成功不收费、没效果不收费!对于没有把握解决的问题/或很小的问题导致用户明显不会付费的因素,人工微信可能会采取静默(冷处理)的方式。 我们任何人去医院看医生,无论最后治疗不治疗/有没有治疗效果,都是需要付费挂号甚至是付费检查。有些甚至花钱治疗了都效果不明显,为了保证公平、公正的交易,这边没有把握的问题、事情,默认也可能不回复受理。 有些问题不能解决或规则锁死了,用户找我“付费咨询”的目的是帮助有效解决问题,因为受系统限制无法及时有效解决或无解,用户也肯定不会愿意付费给我,所以我也没有任何义务去解释这个问题/没有义务解释问题的原因所在及是否有解。我想等待用户撞了南墙死磕到底也会获得答案的。

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