谷歌开发者账号(google play)提示:就付款账号状态的相关事宜与我们联系[因为您的付款账号处于暂停收款状态,所以您目前无法收到付款];

查看邮件得知自己的账号因受第三方国家政策法规影响,谷歌要求验证我的开发者身份(此身份验证并非前面提到的身份验证 )而是单独要求验证某一国家地区身份信息+银行账户信息(包含地址证明、银行对账单、水电费等),经过与Google开发者客服的沟通,给了我们一个申诉链接入口,提交与账户绑定信息一致的证件+银行信息。由于我们的账号在A国注册并验证,而谷歌要求验证B国身份信息与银行验证,以下是Google回复原文:
Upon checking, there is indeed a hold in your payments account due to the identity verification that we need to complete on your account.
Google uses this information to confirm that it’s you and protect you from fraud. This is also an important way to protect our partners against fraud.
And European and UK law require payments providers like Google to verify the identity of their customers in the European Economic Area and the UK and withhold payments to customers until they have completed the verification process. To comply with these regulations, you are required to complete all of the following steps to verify your account. Failure to provide the requested information will result in your disbursements and payments profile being suspended, preventing you from selling on Google.


根据多方客户反馈,被额外要求身份验证大致是因为谷歌开发者账号里面的某些应用涉及到了政策敏感国家的业务,故此触发了Google系统的验证措施与暂停付款,google play此举是为了遵守全球各国的法律法规。所以在探索业务区域的时候还请知晓有关国家地区的相关敏感政策。
目前已知:google play英国地区、google play新加坡地区、google play德国地区、google play巴西地区均可能会要求二次双重验证,还请注意防范了解。