Google Play developer account submission review is disabled: malware, mobile spam, behavioral transparency and other package rejection issues

This is As of November 7, 2023, Google developers still continue to have the problem of account submission and review being disabled; it is somewhat related to the related articles we published earlier: Google Play developer account ban red line, common Reasons for gp developer account ban, reasons for gp account ban: Interpretation of Article 8.3/10.3 of Google Play Developer Distribution Agreement

With the further upgrade of Google’s developer policies and the improvement of templates, each batch of question templates will be slightly different. As shown below

The picture language is Chinese

Currently, account submission for review is still disabled.
During the new account submission review process, the application was rejected. The reasons given were: malware, mobile spam software and behavioral transparency. When receiving the rejection email, there was also an email stating that the Google Play developer account was terminated. The reasons were: is a violation of the Developer Program Policies and Developer Distribution Agreement. As shown below

The picture language is Chinese

This case mainly uses the H5 package method, using webview to load H5, or the vest package method that will remain unchanged for thousands of years. Currently, the Google Play platform has sufficient technical means to reject some common abuses (including malware, junk software, etc.).

Are all the developers who take advantage of this and take shortcuts at their wits’ end? Why are there so few successful cases of carrying bags in the same way and using the same means? It is not 100% guaranteed that the account will be blocked. Why is this happening? Please pay to read the above questions (it is not recommended for novices to buy, and refunds are not supported).

The remaining content requires payment to read. If you need it, please switch the language to Chinese in the lower left corner of the webpage, or click the link below to read the full text after paying for it.

人工付费咨询是一个非常公平的模式,原则上采取不成功不收费、没效果不收费!对于没有把握解决的问题/或很小的问题导致用户明显不会付费的因素,人工微信可能会采取静默(冷处理)的方式。 我们任何人去医院看医生,无论最后治疗不治疗/有没有治疗效果,都是需要付费挂号甚至是付费检查。有些甚至花钱治疗了都效果不明显,为了保证公平、公正的交易,这边没有把握的问题、事情,默认也可能不回复受理。 有些问题不能解决或规则锁死了,用户找我“付费咨询”的目的是帮助有效解决问题,因为受系统限制无法及时有效解决或无解,用户也肯定不会愿意付费给我,所以我也没有任何义务去解释这个问题/没有义务解释问题的原因所在及是否有解。我想等待用户撞了南墙死磕到底也会获得答案的。

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