Google’s developer risk control measures may be stricter after 2023

This is In the past year, the problem of blocked Google Play developer accounts has not occurred on a large scale; the reason is not that Google has become benevolent, nor is it that many developers have improved their methods.

Because the newly registered problematic account is difficult to get on the right track (not detailed here);

In terms of risk control before 2021, Google will have a large-scale “massacre” almost every year, and the centralized banning of accounts has caused many developers to suffer heavy losses. Even some developer teams went bankrupt and quit Google.

Before the Google play developer real-name policy (identity verification), 95% of developer registration accounts would fill in random or false information.

After the start of the real-name policy in 2021, most developers still use false information for verification; some developers find it troublesome to register a Google Play account (or can’t figure out the problem of registering a Google Play account), and will go to the market to buy some registered finished products .

From 2022 onwards, I think many people have experienced the risk control of Google Play. They often verify payment information or stop payment information, and some problems cannot be solved. Failure to solve these problems means that all efforts are wasted. I believe that the future risk control strategy will be more stringent, so once something goes wrong, some accounts will be difficult to recover.

All of the above are great risks for all Google developers, equal to time bombs.

I believe that many google play developers (especially in-app purchase merchants) have experienced thousands of dollars, tens of thousands of dollars, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in balances that cannot be obtained (google play suspends payment, suspends sales, does not pay, etc. ).

If something goes wrong, the smallest loss is almost ten thousand RMB. Therefore, although the cost of some risky behaviors mentioned above is very low, the probability of risk occurrence is indeed high.

Because newly registered problematic accounts are difficult to get on the right track, some developers try to acquire some stable old accounts (stable accounts that are idle by other developers). Because they think that although the acquisition cost of a stable old account is high, it is safe to use and has no risk.

Why are some Google Play developer accounts prone to problems, while others are stable? Is it a problem of true and false information, or other problems in the registration process?

How stable is the purchased Google Play account? Is the google play account without authentication stable or the google play account that has completed the authentication is stable? (The following uses the paid reading plan to analyze it for you)

Special Note! The value of the fee is to expand the ideas and answer the questions marked in the article, and does not have any guarantee for the effectiveness of the operation of the buyer; virtual products, do not accept any refunds, if you do not agree to the above terms, please be sure not to register to buy, once purchased, the default agreement to all of the above terms.
警告! 支払いの価値は、アイデアを開発し、記事で提起された質問に答えることにあります. 購入者の操作の有効性を保証するものではなく、仮想製品は払い戻しを受け付けません. 同意しない場合は、支払い登録を行わないでください。
¡Aviso! El propósito de la compra es expandir tu mente y responder las preguntas marcadas en el texto. No hay garantía de que las acciones del comprador tengan el mismo efecto; productos virtuales, que no se pueden reembolsar después de la compra. Si no está de acuerdo con los términos y condiciones anteriores, no se registre para comprar.
人工付费咨询是一个非常公平的模式,原则上采取不成功不收费、没效果不收费!对于没有把握解决的问题/或很小的问题导致用户明显不会付费的因素,人工微信可能会采取静默(冷处理)的方式。 我们任何人去医院看医生,无论最后治疗不治疗/有没有治疗效果,都是需要付费挂号甚至是付费检查。有些甚至花钱治疗了都效果不明显,为了保证公平、公正的交易,这边没有把握的问题、事情,默认也可能不回复受理。 有些问题不能解决或规则锁死了,用户找我“付费咨询”的目的是帮助有效解决问题,因为受系统限制无法及时有效解决或无解,用户也肯定不会愿意付费给我,所以我也没有任何义务去解释这个问题/没有义务解释问题的原因所在及是否有解。我想等待用户撞了南墙死磕到底也会获得答案的。


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